Sunday, February 24, 2013

Washington. America.


Photo by M. W. Laughlin

Photo by M. W. Laughlin

I had a neat trip this week…Washington, DC.  For those foreign friends of mine who might not know what “D.C.” means, it stands for “District of Colombia”.  When our “founding fathers” selected the location for the new capital city, the seat of the national government of the new United States of America, they wanted a place that would be separate, and not actually a part of any of the new States.  They wanted a place that would be different from the rest of the country, a place that would stand out.  I think they succeeded.
Photo by M. W. Laughlin

Something special about this trip, it was a gathering of our team from many different countries.  It was interesting to see their reactions to the buildings, the monuments, the statues that form the city that is Washington, D. C.  These things are more than objects, they tell us who we are, and from where we come.  I am proud of America.  I am not arrogant.  We are not perfect, but I am proud of our country, and I am proud of us.  I enjoyed the opportunity to show my friends around, and explain, as best I could, about the history behind it all.
Photo by M. W. Laughlin


America is a special place.  It is special because of the hard work and determination of millions of people.  It is successful because we have land and natural resources.  We have the will to try and do, we have Freedom, and the Rule of Law.  America will always be great as long as we remember that we cannot win by sitting by the road and waiting to see what happens next.  We must make what happens next!  We must keep to our feet and be what happens next !

Photo by M. W. Laughlin
Go and visit Washington, D.C. 
                      I think you will understand. 
  - Mark W. Laughlin

Photo by M. W. Laughlin


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Blogging Anniversary !

Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

Well folks, it’s been Two Years since WrittenPost began !!!

The first post, “Warm”, was about Eric, a Red Eared Sliding Turtle.

Eric Up-Date: Eric has been released into the wild, at a park on the west side of Houston. He was approaching “army helmet size” and was outgrowing his aquarium. The release point was selected because of its large turtle population, so we suppose it’s a good place for him (or her…kinda’ hard to tell with turtles !).

On the first blogging anniversary, I was just beginning to post The Trail of the Fox - III on WrittenPost.  Now, just a few days ago, "Trail..." has finally been published as an eBook.  Before long, if it sees some sales and generates some support, I will get it printed in paperback.  Let's see.  I want to thank all of you for tuning in, reading and supporting "Trail..."  It's been loads of fun for me.
Thanks again to all the folks who pop in to WrittenPost !!

Tell others about the site when you get a chance. Encourage them to send me their e-mail addresses, and I will include them on future posting announcements.

Take care all,

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Promotional Bump !!!

Big Bump !!

My father sent out an e-mail to all the people he has addresses for,
and within a few minutes, over 50 people visited the blogsite !!!
So, if you are interested in helping to promote The Trail of the Fox,
you could do the same.

He included links to the blogtsite:,
as well as the link that takes you directly to the description of “Trail…”:
…along a few words of shameless promotion.

If you copy me, I will watch and see what kind of bump we get…
…and, I would most appreciate your help !!

Thank you,


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If so, you can download software so you can read the book on your PC or Mac.

Free downloads for eReader Software, for several devices, including Mac and Pc’s:

Thank you for reading !!!
Monk's Lake, Pecos Valley, N.M. - MWL