Saturday, May 18, 2013

Herrankukkaro, Western Finland

This week, I had a very nice trip to Finland.  I started coming here in 1984, and have returned more or less annually since.  But never had I spent time in such an outdoor-oriented place as Herrankukkaro, which is a small spa-resort near the south-western coast of Finland. 
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

 Day 1 started quite sunny and cool (one shouldn't be surprised by "cool" in Finland)... we gathered for a cup of tea before we began our meetings.
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

 Originally a farm, it's a very country-like place, with a history going back to the 1930's.
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

 What looks like a lake is really an inlet to the sea,
which explains the strong nautical theme of the place.
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

So, after meetings, we gathered under a sheltered area to cook some starters,
and of course drink some beer and wine.
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin
Nice bird...
...but completely unimpressed with our cooking abilities.
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

"Nailing" a large trout filet to a plank, with wooden pegs,
then rubbing down (the fish) with olive oil and spices.
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

While the fish cooked, we warmed sausages over an open fire.  Lucky for us, the area was covered, because the weather turned to a rather typical rainy, cloudy and cold Finnish day.
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

Oh-Yeah !!!
Looked great, smelled great, and nobody knocked one into the fire !
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

 The light rain, clouds and cool weather continued through the evening...
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

Since Finland is at such a high latitude, the sun slants slowly down to the horizon...
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

...and so the Finnish Dusk lasts for a long time.
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

Beautiful, quiet, peaceful. 
 Calm wind, water like a mirror.
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

Day 2 started considerably sunnier and warmer. 
So we had some outdoor activities in the evening, without the need to stay under cover.
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

Summer cottages on a beautiful lake are the dream in Finland.  Many families own them and fortunately, there are a LOT of lakes here.
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

Day 3:  But to be honest, for true peace and beauty, it is difficult to beat...
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

 ...the Finnish dawn.
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

Try Finland, you will love it !
But even in the Summer, bring a jacket...
...(in Winter time, bring two !!)

Y'all Take care,
-Mark W. Laughlin

Friday, May 10, 2013

Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Made a quick trip to Pittsburgh this week. 
It's an interesting city, formed way back when it was considered the Western Edge of (European) Civilization in North America (take a look at a map, Pittsburgh dates back to the very early European settlements in North America)
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

So, of course, many parts of the city are quite old.  Pittsburgh has been a steelmaking center since the late 1800's.  Since the 1960's, steel jobs have been moving away from the area as steel making moved to lower labor-cost areas.
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

But even though many of the buildings date from the 1920's or earlier...                
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

                                          ...some of them are great examples of really ornate architecture.
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

These must have been really high-end apartments, back in the 1950's. 
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

And even though some building are showing their considerable age...
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

...others are new and modern, such as this one at PPG Center (note all the great looking glass, and that "PPG" stands for Pittsburgh Plate Glass, one of the other long-standing industries in the city).
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

And, lucky for me, it was a glorious, blue-sky day !!
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin

As the sun went down, I saw this spooky old church up on the bluff.
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin
PPG Center and the western end of the city...                                        
Photo by Mark W. Laughlin
                                        ...with the lights shining on the Monongahela River.
Y'all take care.
-Mark W. Laughlin